I use healing exercises and therapeutic practices to bring about a deeper understanding of yourself and your needs, where appropriate, the work may include creative art and visualisations. I also integrate different modes of relaxation and energy healing including Reiki, Indian Head Massage, Mindfulness, Crystal Therapy, Bach Flower Therapy and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to treat the whole person’s wellbeing.

Relaxation and Energy Healing
Reiki is a practices that can help bring peace and balance into your mind and body. Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. When the body and mind are relaxed the body can begin to self-heal and the mind can become more focused. Reiki comes from the Japanese words “rei,” meaning universal, and “ki,” meaning life energy.
Reiki aims to help the flow of energy and remove blocks, as improving the flow of energy around the body can bring about a state of relaxation, relieve emotional and physical stress.
Reiki is typically administered through a hands-on or hands-off approach, where I will use my hands to channel healing energy into the body. The treatment is completely natural and non-invasive, you will be fully clothes either lying down or sitting. I may lightly touch specific areas or hover my hands above the body, depending on your preference. The goal is to facilitate the flow of healing energy, remove energy blockages, and promote relaxation and balance.
Life can be hectic sometimes and sometimes we constantly be over thinking, over tired, overworked and overstressed. Finding that inner peace and some inner stillness can often be the most useful tool in managing your emotions, calming your mind and bringing a sense of peace and harmony to your everyday life.

Indian Head Massage
Relaxation for Tension and Stress
Indian head massage originated in India and is based around Ayurveda medicine, it is a beautiful, tranquil traditional practice that has grown in popularity in Western cultures. Indian Head massage is a relaxing therapy that can bring about a sense of physical calmness and peace, it can also contribute to improvement in emotional wellness.
Indian head massage focuses on massaging acupressure points along the head, neck and shoulders, also using circular massage strokes to improve hair and scalp condition. The treatment begins with the shoulders, this area often holds a lot of tension. The upper back will also be massaged and then flowing motions will move up the neck, massaging and stretching to relieve any stress and tension. Finally, the scalp is then gently massaged, then followed by the forehead and the area around the eyes.
Indian Head Massage improves our overall wellbeing physically and emotionally as it is excellent at relieving stress and tension especially around the neck and back where we hold a lot of tension.

Crystal Face Massage
Pampering with Ayurvedic Face Massage
A Crystal Face Massage is a type of massage that uses crystals to promote relaxation and healing. The technique involves stimulating pressure points or "Marmas" on the face and neck and in a gentle, simultaneous motion. This massage increases blood flow and restores natural glow to the skin. The treatment will begin with relaxation and mindfulness to achieve calmness and tranquillity. Then luxurious oils are placed around the face and the face is gently massaged using a combination of fingertips and healing crystals.
There are a choice of different treatments to chose from.
Inner Peace, Self-Compassion Face Massage (Empowering you to experience compassionate self love and worth)
Stress Reduction Face Massage (Reduce stress to bring about a sense of calmness)
Energising Face Massage (Feel energised and revitalised)
Reiki combined Crystal Face Massage
Crystals with massage have been found to be beneficial for deep relaxation, lymphatic drainage, improved muscle tone, increased self-esteem and skin purification. Each crystal has its own property and vibration, I will use the crystals in various ways throughout the treatment. I begin by placing special chosen crystals around you with a guided breath meditation, allowing you to relax into a state of calm and peace.

Holistic Coaching
Find Purpose and Achieving Goals
As a Holistic Life Coach I combine some elements of counselling, while predominantly using a coaching perspective, I work collectively with the mind, body, emotional and spiritual. The sessions are tailored to your individual requirements and so if needed I will incorporate relaxation and mindfulness.
I like to empower people so that that they can be their true and best self, my aim is help you to reconnect you to your heart, body, mind and soul to rewire your mind and reframe your emotions. Together we can work through your inner limitations, gain clarity on your life purpose and create goals and real strategies for your success.
During our session I will help you to clarify what you want out of life and discover what can to be changed. Together we can look at different perspectives, explore new beliefs about yourself. This way you can change unhelpful habits and behaviours that do not serve you anymore. My aim is allow you to feel better about yourself physically, mentally and emotionally. Over time you can break free from the limitations that have been holding you back and experience true transformation.
I support you in cultivating inner calm, confidence and awareness on your path of healing, empowerment and fulfilment

Bach Flower Therapy
Achieve Emotional Wellbeing
Bach Flower Essences Therapy, is a form of complementary remedies developed by Doctor Edward Bach in the 1930s. They are completely natural and non-invasive.
The popular Bach Rescue Remedy is widely sold in local stores and is used to alleviate stress and fears. It is just one of the remedies used for emotional wellbeing. During our session I will select the best remedy tailored to your individual wellbeing needs. Emotional Balance is the aim of the Therapy and they are designed to target specific emotional states or imbalances, such as fear, anxiety, sadness, or anger. By using the appropriate remedy, emotional balance and clarity can be restored.
Many people use Bach flower remedies to manage and alleviate stress. These remedies can be particularly helpful during times of heightened stress, such as exams, job interviews, or challenging life events. Using Bach flower remedies can enhance your ability to cope with emotional challenges and build emotional resilience. This can lead to greater emotional stability in the face of life's ups and downs.
Bach flower remedies are considered safe and gentle, as they are highly diluted. They are typically taken orally in drop form or added to water. Bach Flower Therapy takes a holistic approach to healing, focusing on the emotional and mental aspects of well-being and believing that by addressing these, physical health can also improve.